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Northwest Arkansas’ Award Winning Author of Christian Children’s Books – Hannah C Hall

Would A God Go On A Walk?

Some of the most precious memories we parents have are of the moments we shared while cuddling up for a bedtime story with our children.  Though many of us started out with the infamous nursery rhymes of Dr. Seuss, today, there are literally hundreds of thousands of mommies and daddies across America who just can’t get enough of Northwest Arkansas’ own Hannah C. Hall.

Hannah’s journey as an author of Christian children’s books began one day while taking a walk withHannah C Hall, Christian Children's Book Author, Award Winning Christian Author, Christian Children's Books a good friend, and her friend’s little boy.  “While on the walk,” Hannah recalls, “Her son said something about a worm and it just stuck with me.  So one day I sat down and started writing about it.”  And that’s when Hannah felt as if she had something she could begin pitching to Christian agents and publishers.  Ironically, and I know Hannah would agree, the Lord works in His own mysterious ways.  Though Hannah believed her book idea could be the start of a wonderful career as an author of Christian children’s books, it turned out that God had different plans.

For this sponsored article of hers, Mrs. Hall began sharing the story about her first Christian author’s conference she’d attended.  Though she had every reason to be nervous, she was confident that her book idea was a winner, and that she had the perfect agent to meet with about the idea. However, unbeknownst to Hannah, her perfect agent had to cancel his attendance at the conference, which of course left her devastated.  But don’t worry, dear reader… the story gets even better.

“If your agent doesn’t show,” Mrs. Hall continued, “Then they assign you to another agent.  However, the agent I was assigned wasn’t interested in the type of Christian children’s books that I write.”

After receiving the news about her newly assigned agent, though she had considered canceling the rest of her stay and heading back home, Hannah wisely chose to succumb to the situation and at least gain the experience of speaking with a professional agent.

The meeting went as well as could be expected.  Afterward, Hannah left her contact information with the agent, then left for home.

Though the agent wasn’t too excited about Hannah’s book idea, or the type of Christian children’s books that Hannah was hoping to publish, by the Grace of God Mrs. Hall’s phone rang a few weeks later.  No, it wasn’t an agent offering her millions to publish her first book.  However, it was an agent requesting that Hannah help to write another book. And the rest, as they say, is history.

After signing on with Christian book publishing giant Thomas Nelson, and only a few years removed from her first conference, Hannah C. Hall is rapidly approaching 500,000 copies sold of her eleven Christian children’s books… with four more bestsellers set to be released in 2017.

She has won the ECPA Bestsellers Award for Christian Juvenile Books, and the ECPA Christian Children's Books, ECPA BestSellers, Children's Books, Best Children's BooksBestsellers Award for the Top 50 Bestselling Christian Books.  With her experience, coupled with her success, Mrs. Hall has gained the opportunity to take a journey to Florida in February, 2017, where she has been asked to lead a four-day class at the Florida Christian Writer’s Conference. 

There, she will share her own experiences with authors who hope and dream of enjoying the same success as Hannah.  She will also share her wisdom as to the ins-and-outs of navigating through the publishing system, especially when it comes to competing with the millions of query letters sent out by authors each year. 

When it comes to bestselling Christian children’s books, many in Northwest Arkansas have purchased one of these little blessings from a local bookshelf, completely unaware that its author lives only a few miles down the road.  

And when I say, “One of these little blessings,” I’m referring to one of several books from Hannah’sGod Bless My Friends, Christian Children's Books, Christian Children's Author, Award Winning Christian Author, Bestselling Christian Author bestselling God Bless children’s book series.  As a parent of a toddler, you’re sure to have pulled from a shelf either: God Bless My Boo Boo/God Bless Our Country/God Bless Our Baby/God Bless You & Goodnight/God Bless Our Easter/God Bless Our Fall/God Bless Our Christmas, and her latest release that is exploding up the amazon.com charts, God Bless My Friends.

With the God Blessed success that Hannah Hall has had in writing Christian children’s books, it’s quite safe to say that nearly 500,000 can’t be wrong.

But… what about the book Mrs. Hall had initially set out to pitch to the perfect agent?  You remember, the agent who cancelled his attendance at the writer’s conference.

Well, it turns out that Hannah was able to pitch the idea after all.  Not only did she pitch it, but sheWould a Worm Go On a Walk, Christian Children's Books, Christian Children's Author, Best Chldren's Books eventually published, Would a Worm Go On a WalkNeedless to say, it has been a wonderful addition to her award-winning God Bless series.

After my interview with Mrs. Hall, I couldn’t help but to think of how critical it was that she stayed and spoke with the other agent who was assigned her that day at the writer’s conference.

When speaking with Hannah about her journey over the past several years, I couldn’t help but notice how often she gave God all the glory for both her past, and Lord willing future success.  It was evident that she has relied upon God throughout this entire journey; which caused me to pause and ask: “Would a God Go On a Walk?”

The answer:  If your God is Jesus Christ, then yes, He will most definitely go on a walk with you.  Not only so, but the times when you feel wearied while traveling along your life’s journey, He is even kind enough to carry you along your way.

You can visit Hannah C Hall at hannahchall.com, where you can also find her award-winning books.  It’s never too late to start a bedtime tradition with your little one.  

Or… feel free to connect with Hannah at hannah@hannahchall.com.  She’d love to hear from you…



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